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Julian Charrière

Julian Charrière is a French-Swiss artist based in Berlin

A seminal voice in Contemporary Art today,Charrière has been widely exhibited across esteemed institutions and museums around the globe. Marshallingperformance, sculpture and photography, his projects often stem from remote fieldwork in liminal ordiscarded locations, such as volcanoes, icefields and radioactive sites. By encountering places where acutegeophysical identities have formed, Charrière speculates on alternative histories, often looking at materialsthrough the lens of deep geological time. Exploring how our ideas of nature have changed, from the Romanticmovement into the Anthropocene, his projects deconstruct the cultural traditions which govern how weperceive and represent the natural world. A former student of Olafur Eliasson’s Institute for SpatialExperiments, Charrière frequently collaborates with scientist, engineers, art historians and philosophers.Whether undertaking artistic expeditions or staging immersive installations, the core of his practice concernsitself with how the human being inhabits the world, and how it in turn inhabits us.His work has been the subject of solo presentations at major international institutions, among them LagoAlgo,Mexico City (2024); SFMOMA, San Francisco (2022); Langen Foundation, Neuss (2022); Dallas Museum ofArt, Dallas (2021); MAMbo, Bologna (2019); Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2018); Parasol Unit Foundation,London (2015); Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne (2014); and Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (2014). Charrièrehas also been prominently featured at the 59th Biennale di Venezia (2022); 57th Biennale di Venezia (2017);the Antarctic Biennale (2017); the Taipei Biennial (2018); the 12th and 16th Biennale de Lyon (2013, 2022);Centre Pompidou, Paris (2019); Sprengel Museum, Hannover (2019); Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus (2019);SCHIRN Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2018); Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, London (2018); and Palais deTokyo, Paris (2017). A nominee of the Prix Marcel Duchamp in 2021, Charrière in 2022 received the 14thSAM Prize for Contemporary Art.